Age Like a Badass Mother
Why do some people age like depleted versions of their former selves while some age like badass mothers? Irreverent, provocative, engaging, and entertaining, Age Like a Badass Mother is the ANTI Anti-Aging podcast.
With guests who were influencers before that was even a thing, Lisa Rice and Lauren Bernick are learning from the OGs - and flipping the script about growing older.
Learn from the experts and those who are aging like badass mothers!
Age Like a Badass Mother
Matthew Lederman, M.D. - The Nine Pillars for Making Life Wonderful
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Dr. Matthew Lederman, best known for his role in the seminal documentary, Forks Over Knives, is an internal medicine physician, co-founder of WeHeal - a transformational program of nutrition, lifestyle, and connection medicine, and co-author of the book Wellness to Wonderful. He explains polyvagal theory and how it relates to our body's response to threat and safety, and how one can practice feeling safe. It is a muscle that needs to be exercised. He also shares tips for parenting teens so that the parents and teens feel heard, understood, and get their needs met. This technique can also be used with partners, friends, parents, and co-workers. Dr. Lederman discusses the nine pillars of making life wonderful and the importance of tending to these pillars for healthy aging. ACE40 discount code for ACE Plant-based Eating Class
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